AI as an 
Education Tool
Project Overview PartnerTori McDonald
Colleen Chung
Chiara Abaquin
My RoleUX Research
UI Design

AI is an inevitable trend nowadays, especially in the field of education. This project aims to assist elementary school educators in leveraging AI by identifying and addressing the specific challenges of integrating AI into educational practices, ultimately enhancing their overall teaching and learning experience.

User ResearchINTERVIEWS &
We conducted seven one-on-one user interviews and twenty-two surveys with elementary school teachers from the US, the Philippines, and Hong Kong enabling us to gather their general opinions on using AI as an educational tool and identify opportunities in this area. 

Many interviewees emphasized that AI is most effective as a supplementary tool, helping to Save Time.
Most interviewees expressed curiosity about AI and acknowledged its Inevitability.

The primary concerns of participants focus on potential Losses in Critical Thinking Skills, Accuracy, and Safety.
“I think AI is a supplementary tool to make life easier and systems more efficient.”
- 6 Years Teaching Foundational Subjects

“AI will stay, and we have to learn to adapt.”
- 13 Years Teaching English and Social Studies
“AI-generated activities are often impractical and  may not  meet the required  standards.”
- 20 Years Teaching Math and Science
  ARTIFACTSFrom the data gathered in interviews and surveys, we created empathy maps and personas to understand our audience better and focus our projects appropriately. Empathy Mapping


FIRST ITERATIONPain PointsBy conducting user research, we identified three pain points preventing educators from integrating AI into their practices.
Elementary school teachers struggle with limited time, which prevents them from exploring new tools.

2. KNOWLEDGE GAPMany elementary school teachers attribute their frustration to a lack of adequate knowledge about using AI in the field of education.3. SUPPLEMENTARY TOOL
Elementary school teachers envision AI in education primarily for lesson planning, especially for differentiation or personalization.

SolutionsFor each pain point, we developed potential solutions with sketches.Design a mobile app that provides Tailored Micro-Lessons to help teachers learn more about AI.

Micro-lesson Mobile App

Create an education-related AI Resources and Community Website.

AI Resources Website

Develop an AI-assisted website to help teachers Create Personalized Teaching Materials.

Personlized Teaching Material Website
    We decided to combine all solutions into one integrated website with three features to address all pain points. We then created low-fidelity wireframes for each feature to conduct usability testing.
    Low-Fi Wireframes
    This page is about tailored learning paths for each user based on their experience.

    This page is a collection of education-related AI resources, including articles, webinars, etc.

    This page helps educators prepare personalized teaching materials with the assistance of AI.
    OutcomeWe had three participants in total. They all completed most tasks. The two teachers achieved a higher success rate of 93%, while the other participant, who is not a teacher, achieved 64%.

    One participant did NOT recognize the Differences in Shapes in the learning path; 

    The others were able to identify them but Expressed Uncertainty through direct statements and pauses.

    “ I don't know what the star in the triangle and the star mean, I'm guessing. ”
    - Current First-Grade Teacher

    All participants understood the purpose of this page and navigated it successfully.

    Both teachers looked for a Search Bar to sort through the resources but realized there wasn’t one.

    “I hope there could be a search bar so that I can quickly find exactly what I want!”
    - Current First-Grade Teacher

    Two of them did NOT find this learning material creation section.

    Participants were confused about how to navigate this section and its Relationship with the Rest of the Website.

    “It’s hard to figure out the use of this page. This would be harder if I had less experience with AI.”
    - Previous Forth-Grade Teacher


    Instead of using shapes, we decided to use text and pictures to provide clearer information for each class.

    We added a search bar and additional filters in the resources section to help users navigate more easily.

    We Removed this section because it was either difficult to understand or not closely related to other sections of our website.


    Final Outcome
    UI KIT


    Sign-Up Workflow
    Non-Login Homepage
    Login Homepage