Social Life for
the Elderly
RoleUI/UX  Design
Industrial Design
Main ToolFigma
Project OverviewThe phenomenon of elderly immigrants has raised significant concerns in present-day China. These individuals leave their hometowns later in life for diverse reasons, including caring for the younger generation. Nevertheless, many of them encounter issues related to a lack of social interaction. In this project, I aim to address this predicament by developing a physical product and a corresponding app to aid them in overcoming this challenge.
ResearchBACKGROUND RESEARCHIn Hangzhou In 2019, Hangzhou, a typical modern city in China, had 2.062 million citizens aged 60 and above. An estimated 300,000 elderly immigrants were expected, making up around 12% of the migrant population. This data was still rising.
Troubles for the Elderly Immigrants in Hangzhou

In Whole ChinaChina's aging process has sped up since the 1990s, leading to a growing issue of Elderly Immigrants due to the aging population. Various common issues arise among these elderly immigrants.

Persona  & Journey MapI conducted observations and interviews with my grandparents and their friends regarding their experiences upon arriving in the new city. Subsequently, I distilled this gathered information to create a journey map and persona.

QuestionnaireI crafted this questionnaire to acquire first-hand information about elderly immigrants. The outcomes are presented below:
Stakeholder Map This stakeholder map illustrates the key individuals and groups involved, helping to identify their roles, relationships, and potential impacts on the project.
Problem Statement The elderly immigrants require a more active social life in their new city to alleviate loneliness and build their new social circle.

To promote in-person social events, I chose to design a physical product accompanied by an assisting app.

Ideation Inspiration for Physical ProductIn the memories of China's older generation, a tall tree always stands at the village entrance. These trees act as social centers where villagers gather, chat, and find shade in the cool summer. Beyond symbolizing the village, these trees also serve as guides back home.  Drawn from this tradition, I designed a product that fulfills a similar social role in today's elderly immigrant communities.
Sketch for Physical Product 


Visual IdentityThe color palette corresponds to event categories: yellow for exercise, red for trips, blue for social events, and green for lectures/tutorials.

High-fidelity DesignTo prioritize simplicity, the app is divided into two main sections.
The first is 'Events,' displaying activities available for user participation. This section features one primary function - join events.

The second section is 'Schedule' showing the events users have joined, with the option to manage their events by the calendar.

WorkflowThe following comprehensive diagram provides a visual representation of how the physical product and an assisted app efficiently work in coordination step by step.